Have you heard of eclectic trends in interior design and decor? If there’s one certain thing about the world of decoration it’s that recipes were made to break, and ideas about what is valid and what is not are always prone to be replaced by new, bold trends capable of generating new proposals and styles. The beauty of a space is not always based on symmetry and order. Frequently, originality causes more points in favor of a layout’s final result. The strict order or the guidelines to follow to adapt to a style aren’t always the most convenient since, in fact, the possibilities of innovating tend to infinity. There’s no need to be afraid of experimentation regarding design.
In this context, a piece as outstanding as the Arco lamp could be a great success, especially if you are convinced that your aesthetic style is more than anything “Eclectic”. The Arco floor lamp by the Castiglioni brothers can represent that timely and valuable modern touch that many layouts require to be “complete”, especially when it comes to spaces that need better lighting design.
Some styles are more popular than others and even more flexible, with greater adaptability to different environments. The mission of finding original conceptual ideas will never lose validity or importance. Eclectic trends always seek to combine elements of different styles accurately to generate highly contrasting original layouts. Make the Arco lamp an integral part of your decorating style and lighting design and you’ll be taking your interior decor project to the next level.