Get to know the LC2 chair by Le Corbusier and more favorite modern pieces by network communities.
Today, information flows very differently than before. Now you can even find networking communities where you can ask questions about many topics, including lifestyle, photography, and even interior design.
The topic of interior design is one of the themes that are most seen in the aforementioned platforms, there you can find several questions related to furniture and advice/suggestions. Questions like “what is the best modern chair” or “what does a modern sofa look like” is just a couple of examples of people’s doubts.
As there are many questions on this topic, the objective of this blog is to summarize the most relevant ones and leave them in one place. Let us begin!
What is the most iconic modern chair?
This question has been taken from Quora. People respond that the most iconic modern chair is the one that sums up all the modern features in one piece. As Le Corbusier is recognized as the father of modernism, several users agreed that the LC2 chair – an element of the LC Collection – is a perfect and very iconic modern chair.
Click to see more questions related to modern furniture.